Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanksgiving Decorating Tips

Do you have company coming over for Turkey Day?  If you want to decorate without tons of hassle, here are some great quick and easy Thanksgiving Decorating tips!

It's turkey time and this time of year isn't just for eating, it's also for decorating! Give your home a quick and easy facelift for the Thanksgiving holiday.  
Fall and Thanksgiving Colors
Check your home for items that are in the rich hues of fall--red curtains, orange throw pillows, brown rugs.

Local thrift stores can also provide inexpensive items to decorate with. Look for blankets that are in fall colors. These can be used as throws on the back of a couch, a drape over a chair, even a cloth for your kitchen table. You can also cut blankets up and sew them into slipcovers for throw pillows.
Small Accents
Small items can add accent touches to any room. Scented candles (pumpkin spice, apple cinnamon, cranberry) that are in fall colors or come in decorative candle holders can add small spots of color and texture while creating the smell of the fall holiday.

Just for the holidays, do a changeup with the curtains in your home. You don't need to do the whole house to make a decorating statement--your kitchen and living area will suffice. Choose rich colors that reflect the cooling temperatures and hues of fall.

Throw Rugs
If you normally have carpet or bare floors, decorate for Thanksgiving by adding a large, festive throw rug. Smaller throw rugs can be used as accents or can add spots of color if you can't use a large area rug.

Hang decorative towels for Thanksgiving in your kitchen and bathroom to making drying your hands and your dishes more festive. Local stores usually have inexpensive kitchen and bath towel sets for the different seasons and holidays. Sure you only pull them out once a year but they add to the look and feel of your home at Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Dishes
If you have room to store them, special decorative Thanksgiving dishes are perfect to use at this time of year. Don't wait until Thanksgiving Day, use them during the whole month of November and enjoy them. If you don't have Thanksgiving dishes, check the local thrift store for dishes that are fall-colored. Mix and match to create fun meals and enjoy!

Rearrange Your Furniture
While there are no specific "Thanksgiving furniture arrangements" moving your furniture around always gives a room a fresh update. Since Thanksgiving is a fall holiday and is all about reconnecting with family, try arranging your furniture to create cozy areas for friends and family to gather and chat.

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