Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Where to Squeeze a Home Office into a Full House?

The home office can be an incredibly useful tool, if not sometimes a necessary one. But where can you squeeze one in when it seems that every last square foot in the place is already taken!? If you'd like to set up a home office, but are having these problems, check out "Where to Squeeze a Home Office into a Full House?" below!

Where to Squeeze an Office into a Full House?

It's a perennial small space question that merits revisiting. Under ideal conditions most of us would love to have designated workspace at home, but sometimes square footage and circumstances get in the way. So if your home doesn't have an office where do you put it? 
I always had an office. Studios, one bedrooms, shares, it didn't matter, I always had one. It was a priority in every housing search, and when we bought our house we had a plan that made perfect sense. I don't remember the details of that plan, but it was blown out of the water when I got pregnant with twins and we had to rethink how we were using our space. 
I was fine being an office-less wonder for a while, or so I thought. I tried going paperless wherever possible and told myself that I could manage my freelance commitments and household management with a laptop. Things change. I attributed my lack of organization to the fabled "mommy brain," but there seems to be another story here. Yes, I had three kids in 23 months and was late paying bills for the first time in my life, but that also correlated with the disappearance of my desk. I'm going back to teaching in a few months and realized that I can't plan a syllabus with a desk. So where do I put one? Ours is not a small space, but like the Yiddish folktale retold in A Big Quiet House, it's full of kids and quiet is in rare supply. 
It's a discussion that keeps coming up at Apartment Therapy, but does the solution change when you have young kids in the mix? We have hashed out the feng shui implications of the bedroom office debate, looked for office nooks in the living room, contemplated the pros and cons of the kitchen office, and checked out a few lovely examples of a dining room office. Closets are a good idea when you can martyr one to the cause, but it's definitely not happening here. 
So which solution makes the most sense for your family and space? 

Original Article Here:


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