Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Grocery Shopping 101: How To Shop Effectively

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Let's be real: we can't survive on take-out and fast food forever. Eventually, we all have to buy groceries and stock up our fridges, even if it's one of the least fun chores on our list.

Yes, there's a reason some people hate going to the store: grocery shopping isn't as easy as walking in and picking up what you like! Without a plan, it's easy to buy far more than you need or can even eat, resulting in potentially wasted food, otherwise known as wasted money.

Don't worry, though: following these tips from will make sure you budget properly, buy the right amount of food, and are well-stocked to get through the next week until your next grocery shopping trip.
Make a list: If you want to come home with food you’ll actually eat, it is essential to make a list. Plan out how many meals you’ll need for the week, taking into account any plans you already have to go out to lunch or have a family dinner. Making your list based on meals – breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks – rather than food groups – meat, vegetables, grains – will mean less food going to waste at the end of the week.

Choose wisely: When planning out your meals, think about ingredients that can be used in more than one way. For example, if you want burgers one night and brats the next night, that means buying two kinds of buns. Instead, do burgers and chicken patties or sloppy joes, which can all use the same buns. Other ingredients that won’t be used up in one meal can also be used for multiple purposes – for example, use a dozen eggs to makepasta carbonara for dinner, omelets for breakfast, and brownies for dessert.

Avoid the crowds: Sunday afternoon is probably the worst time to shop; the store is crowded and the merchandise is picked over. Try shopping on a weeknight after work, or before noon on a weekend. You’ll be less stressed, have more selection, and have to spend less time in the store.

Seek out savings: Grocery bills can add up, especially if you don’t pay attention to sales and specials. Sign up for your store’s rewards program to get discounts as well as coupons for future trips. Many stores and food brands also have smartphone apps and online coupons that you can load straight onto your phone or loyalty card. And don’t overlook the store brand – you may be surprised how much they taste like your favorite brand, but for half the price.

Make it fun: If you really hate grocery shopping, try to find a way to make it fun for yourself. Some people get excited about savings, and others shop when they know there will be free samples throughout the store. Find a new recipe to try, buy yourself some flowers for the kitchen table, or reward yourself with a tub of ice cream or cookies from the bakery.


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