Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bob Vila’s November ‘Must Do’ Projects

Every home needs a little upkeep, especially for seasonal changes. As fall begins to fade away and the weather gets colder, check out these "Bob Vila’s November ‘Must Do’ Projects" to keep your place cozy and calm!

Autumn kitchen

Embrace the season

It doesn’t take much to bring the natural beauty of the season indoors. Fill a bowl with acorns and pinecones to admire, cut leaf-covered branches to decorate a table or create an autumnal wreath to hang above the mantel — or outside on the front door. You’ll find plenty of clever ideas in “Budget Decor: 10 Ways to Dress Up Your House for Fall.”

Seal those drafts

A small crack or one leaky window might not seem like a big problem, but taken together, your home’s small drafts can add up to a lot of wasted energy dollars. Seal any gaps around electrical outlets, ducts, windows and doors with foam sealants, caulking or weather stripping.
On the outside of your house, use caulking to seal anywhere different materials meet such as between the siding and the chimney, window and door frames and at the foundation. Even small gaps around cables, lighting fixtures, spigots, electrical outlets, dryer vents and air-conditioning pipes can add up to big air-infiltration problems and compromise your home’s thermal efficiency.
To fill large gaps, expandable polyurethane foam works best, but use it sparingly since it can over-expand (and it’s a greenhouse gas producer as well). Water-based expandable foam works well in small cracks and won’t over-expand.

Winterize your yard

If you haven’t done so already, this is the time to winterize your seasonal equipment. Drain fuel from lawn mowers, leaf blowers and chain saws. Cover and store outdoor furniture and barbecues in a protected area. And, be sure to empty out pots, containers and planters, as soil left in clay pots outside can freeze and cause the pots to crack.
Disconnect and store your garden hoses. If your home has a separate shutoff for external spigots, turn it off and drain the water from those spigots. If you have a sprinkler system, you may want to call in a professional company to blow out any leftover water in the underground lines.
If it snows where you live, check to see that all of your snow equipment is close at hand, fueled up and ready for use. That includes snow blowers as well as shovels and roof rakes.

Stress less on Thanksgiving day

Did somebody mention turkey? If you are the one preparing the big meal, make your life easier by planning ahead. Clear countertops and empty the fridge so that you have ample space for food prep and storage. If you are worried about getting everyone around the table, look for ways to maximize your dining room.

Original Article Here:


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